The Prescription for Potential Financial Wellness

You may be a seasoned medical professional wanting to evaluate your retirement plans, a physician in a group that wants to preserve your assets and maximize your wealth, an owner of a practice that requires a comprehensive business plan, or perhaps a new Doctor wanting to develop a financial plan.

No matter where you are in life our financial planning process is designed to with the goal of prioritizing your goals, preserving your important assets and managing and preserving your wealth.

Our services include:

Retirement and Education Funding

  • Education savings plans
  • IRA's, Roth IRA's, SEP's, Simple IRA's, 401(k) plan, Profit Sharing plans, Pension plans

Investment Management

Business Retirement Planning

  • Plan Design Coordination
  • Participant Education
  • Plan Implementation
  • Performance Reporting

Benefits Planning 

  • Review and better position your benefits in your practice
  • Coordinating your financial plan with your company benefits plans

Tax Planning

  • Tax strategies for medical professionals
  • Understanding the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT)

Risk Management Strategy

  • Preserve your assets and retirement with an Umbrella Policy
  • Doctor Disability Insurance

Financial Planning